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Covid Self care

Please ring 111 if you have have severe chest pain, severe trouble breathing, are very confused or not thinking

clearly, feeling faint or you pass out (lose consciousness).

Here is some information to read through about looking after yourself at home after getting a positive result from a

covid swab.


Most people who get COVID-19 have mild symptoms. It is important to self-isolate, monitor your symptoms and

to talk to your healthcare team if you have any concerns.


The Health Navigator website has some great information about covid, how to manage at home and what to look

out for.


Here is a link to information regarding household contacts and requirements for testing.


It is important to stay hydrated - drink plenty of fluids.


Keep monitoring your symptoms so you notice any changes.


It is important to avoid running, strenuous exercise and high impact activities.


A member of our healthcare team may contact you to see how you are doing. If you have symptoms you are

concerned about please contact us.


Health navigator also has some information on how to manage your symptoms.


It is important that you seek medical advice if your symptoms get worse.


You can ring the the medical centre during regular hours (Monday to Friday 9-5) or the covid Healthline after

hours on 0800 358 5453.





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